Q. I think there is something in my foot. What do I do?
A: With bare foot season coming up this is a great question. We have all been there. Here are some simple steps to follow if you have stepped on something and it has broken the skin on your foot.
1. Check the area for any remaining foreign objects. If there is anything embedded in your foot, call your Chiropodist. Do not try to remove the object on your own as that can lead to more damage.
2. If inspection of the area shows no debris, clean the area gently with warm salt water and apply an antibacterial, like Polysporin. Cover the area with a band-aid. Leave this covered and dry. If the band-aid gets wet, replace it with a new one.
3. Monitor the site for any signs of infection. Those can include: swelling, redness, heat, red lines tracing under the skin or pus - if you see any signs of infection call your Chiropodist!
Once the area has healed you can remove the band-aid. If the wound is not healing, showing signs of infection or you have any concerns call us! We Can Help! We are your one stop foot shop.